Company Profile

With 93 years of history - as it has been operating continuously since 1928 - and a name recognized for the reliability of its services, Groupama Asfalistiki is one of the key players in the Greek insurance market.

The company operates as a multi-line insurer, covering the insurance needs of 260,000 customers all over Greece. Since 2007, Groupama Asfalistiki is a 100% subsidiary of the multinational Groupama Group, which accounts for 12 mil. customers and a premium income of 14.4 bil. Euros in 10 countries.

The company was founded in 1928. Today, its long history testifies its clients’ acknowledgement of its reliability, expertise and quality of services. With an established reputation, a loyal clientele, networks all over the country and the support of a large Group, Groupama Asfalistiki is consolidating its position, based on its professionalism and high sense of responsibility. 

Driven by a service-oriented spirit of innovation, the company is under digital transformation and constantly optimizes its processes and procedures, one step closer to its vision of “making insurance simple”.

Key figures 2019
Premium income €151.4 mil. Non-Life insurance €91.2 mil.
Life insurance €60.2 mil. Net result €8.0 mil.
Customers 274,152 Solvency Ratio (SCR) 169.5%
Active contracts 332,557 Employees 293
Insurance agents & brokers 1,090    


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Groupama Asfalistiki is a member of the Hellenic Association of Insurance Companies.